trichostatin A

Trichostatin is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Trichostatin is associated with abnormalities such as Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy, PARAGANGLIOMAS 3, abnormal fragmented structure, Disintegration (morphologic abnormality) and Hyperostosis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal. The involved functions are known as Acetylation, Cell Differentiation process, histone modification, Gene Silencing and Transcriptional Activation. Trichostatin often locates in CD41a, Hematopoietic System, Chromatin Structure, Blood and Endothelium. The associated genes with Trichostatin are SPI1 gene, CELL Gene, Chromatin, CXCR4 gene and DNMT1 gene. The related lipids are Butyrates, Promega, butyrate, Lipopolysaccharides and Steroids. The related experimental models are Knock-out, Mouse Model, Xenograft Model and Cancer Model.

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To understand associated biological information of trichostatin A, we collected biological information of abnormalities, associated pathways, cellular/molecular locations, biological functions, related genes/proteins, lipids and common seen animal/experimental models with organized paragraphs from literatures.

What diseases are associated with trichostatin A?

trichostatin A is suspected in Infection, Morphologically altered structure, Ureteral obstruction, Photosensitization, Atherosclerosis, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and other diseases in descending order of the highest number of associated sentences.

Related references are mostly published in these journals:

Disease Cross reference Weighted score Related literature
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Possible diseases from mapped MeSH terms on references

We collected disease MeSH terms mapped to the references associated with trichostatin A

MeSH term MeSH ID Detail
Leukemia D007938 74 associated lipids
Leishmaniasis D007896 19 associated lipids
Keloid D007627 12 associated lipids
Chromosome Inversion D007446 1 associated lipids
Inflammation D007249 119 associated lipids
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes D007153 8 associated lipids
Hypesthesia D006987 1 associated lipids
Hypertension, Pulmonary D006976 32 associated lipids
Hypertension D006973 115 associated lipids
Hypersensitivity D006967 22 associated lipids
Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 139

PubChem Associated disorders and diseases

What pathways are associated with trichostatin A

Lipid pathways are not clear in current pathway databases. We organized associated pathways with trichostatin A through full-text articles, including metabolic pathways or pathways of biological mechanisms.

Related references are published most in these journals:

Pathway name Related literatures
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PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

Link to PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

What cellular locations are associated with trichostatin A?

Related references are published most in these journals:

Location Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures
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What functions are associated with trichostatin A?

Related references are published most in these journals:

Function Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures

What lipids are associated with trichostatin A?

Related references are published most in these journals:

Lipid concept Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures
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What genes are associated with trichostatin A?

Related references are published most in these journals:

Gene Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures

What common seen animal models are associated with trichostatin A?

Mouse Model

Mouse Model are used in the study 'Regulation of minichromosome maintenance gene family by microRNA-1296 and genistein in prostate cancer.' (Majid S et al., 2010), Mouse Model are used in the study 'Reversal of hypermethylation and reactivation of p16INK4a, RARbeta, and MGMT genes by genistein and other isoflavones from soy.' (Fang MZ et al., 2005) and Mouse Model are used in the study 'Histone deacetylase 3 mediates allergic skin inflammation by regulating expression of MCP1 protein.' (Kim Y et al., 2012).

Xenograft Model

Xenograft Model are used in the study 'Histone deacetylase inhibitors induce growth arrest and differentiation in uveal melanoma.' (Landreville S et al., 2012), Xenograft Model are used in the study 'Extended treatment with physiologic concentrations of dietary phytochemicals results in altered gene expression, reduced growth, and apoptosis of cancer cells.' (Moiseeva EP et al., 2007) and Xenograft Model are used in the study 'Retinoic acid and the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin a inhibit the proliferation of human renal cell carcinoma in a xenograft tumor model.' (Touma SE et al., 2005).

Cancer Model

Cancer Model are used in the study 'Plasma pharmacokinetics and metabolism of the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin a after intraperitoneal administration to mice.' (Sanderson L et al., 2004).

Related references are published most in these journals:

Model Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures
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NCBI Entrez Crosslinks

All references with trichostatin A

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Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 3126
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Dang VD et al. A new member of the Sin3 family of corepressors is essential for cell viability and required for retroelement propagation in fission yeast. 1999 Mol. Cell. Biol. pmid:10022921
Niki T et al. A histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A, suppresses myofibroblastic differentiation of rat hepatic stellate cells in primary culture. 1999 Hepatology pmid:10051490
Hasegawa T et al. Cloning of a GADD34-like gene that interacts with the zinc-finger transcription factor which binds to the p21(WAF) promoter. 1999 Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. pmid:10066455
Inokoshi J et al. Neuronal differentiation of neuro 2a cells by inhibitors of cell cycle progression, trichostatin A and butyrolactone I. 1999 Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. pmid:10079191
Olsson TG et al. Transient inhibition of histone deacetylase activity overcomes silencing in the mating-type region in fission yeast. 1999 Curr. Genet. pmid:10079326
Collas P et al. Active transgenes in zebrafish are enriched in acetylated histone H4 and dynamically associate with RNA Pol II and splicing complexes. 1999 J. Cell. Sci. pmid:10198286
Saito A et al. A synthetic inhibitor of histone deacetylase, MS-27-275, with marked in vivo antitumor activity against human tumors. 1999 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. pmid:10200307
Johnson BS et al. Retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonist-induced activation of dominant-negative RXR-retinoic acid receptor alpha403 heterodimers is developmentally regulated during myeloid differentiation. 1999 Mol. Cell. Biol. pmid:10207061
Yoshida M [Discovery of cell cycle inhibitors and their application to molecular biology]. 1999 Jpn J Antibiot pmid:10221182