
Rolliniastatin-1 is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class.

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López-Gallardo E et al. Food derived respiratory complex I inhibitors modify the effect of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy mutations. 2018 Food Chem. Toxicol. pmid:29991444
Shi JF et al. Synthesis and tumor cell growth inhibitory activity of biotinylated annonaceous acetogenins. 2014 Eur J Med Chem pmid:24308999
Masuya T et al. Pinpoint chemical modification of Asp160 in the 49 kDa subunit of bovine mitochondrial complex I via a combination of ligand-directed tosyl chemistry and click chemistry. 2014 Biochemistry pmid:25419630
Chen Y et al. Anti-tumor activity of Annona squamosa seeds extract containing annonaceous acetogenin compounds. 2012 J Ethnopharmacol pmid:22609808
Chen Y et al. Determination of bullatacin in rat plasma by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. 2012 J. Chromatogr. B Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. pmid:22534655
Nakamaru-Ogiso E et al. The membrane subunit NuoL(ND5) is involved in the indirect proton pumping mechanism of Escherichia coli complex I. 2010 J. Biol. Chem. pmid:20826797
Kakutani N et al. Exploring the binding site of delta(lac)-acetogenin in bovine heart mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase. 2010 Biochemistry pmid:20459120
Luna-Cazares LM and Gonzalez-Esquinca AR Susceptibility of complete bacteria and spheroplasts of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi to rolliniastatin-2. 2010 Nat. Prod. Res. pmid:20582808
Nakamaru-Ogiso E et al. The ND2 subunit is labeled by a photoaffinity analogue of asimicin, a potent complex I inhibitor. 2010 FEBS Lett. pmid:20074573
Pomper KW et al. Identification of annonaceous acetogenins in the ripe fruit of the North American pawpaw ( Asimina triloba ). 2009 J. Agric. Food Chem. pmid:19711911
Fato R et al. Differential effects of mitochondrial Complex I inhibitors on production of reactive oxygen species. 2009 Biochim. Biophys. Acta pmid:19059197
Rodrigues dos Santos Lima LA et al. Two new adjacent bis-tetrahydrofuran annonaceous acetogenins from seeds of Annona cornifolia. 2009 Planta Med. pmid:19039734
Liang YJ et al. Bullatacin triggered ABCB1-overexpressing cell apoptosis via the mitochondrial-dependent pathway. 2009 J. Biomed. Biotechnol. pmid:19639048
Sinha SC et al. Alteration of the bis-tetrahydrofuran core stereochemistries in asimicin can affect the cytotoxicity. 2008 J. Med. Chem. pmid:18975929
Marshall JA and Sabatini JJ An outside-in approach to adjacent bistetrahydrofuran annonaceous acetogenins with C2 core symmetry. Total synthesis of asimicin and a C32 analogue. 2006 Org. Lett. pmid:16869659
Zhao H et al. Advances in Lewis acid controlled carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions enable a concise and convergent total synthesis of bullatacin. 2006 Org. Lett. pmid:16956231
Tinsley JM and Roush WR Total synthesis of asimicin via highly stereoselective [3 + 2] annulation reactions of substituted allylsilanes. 2005 J. Am. Chem. Soc. pmid:16076173
Keum G et al. Stereoselective syntheses of rolliniastatin 1, rollimembrin, and membranacin. 2005 J. Am. Chem. Soc. pmid:16028952
Tinsley JM et al. Synthesis of (+)-bullatacin via the highly diastereoselective [3+2] annulation reaction of a racemic aldehyde and a nonracemic allylsilane. 2005 Org. Lett. pmid:16146398
Hamada T et al. Synthesis and inhibitory action of novel acetogenin mimics with bovine heart mitochondrial complex I. 2004 Biochemistry pmid:15035635
Chiu HF et al. Bullatacin, a potent antitumor Annonaceous acetogenin, induces apoptosis through a reduction of intracellular cAMP and cGMP levels in human hepatoma 2.2.15 cells. 2003 Biochem. Pharmacol. pmid:12527325
Marshall JA et al. A modular synthesis of annonaceous acetogenins. 2003 J. Org. Chem. pmid:12608790
Jiang S et al. Mimicry of annonaceous acetogenins: enantioselective synthesis of a (4R)-hydroxy analogue having potent antitumor activity. 2002 J. Org. Chem. pmid:12003552
Chih HW et al. Bullatacin, a potent antitumor annonaceous acetogenin, inhibits proliferation of human hepatocarcinoma cell line 2.2.15 by apoptosis induction. 2001 Life Sci. pmid:11521756
Tormo JR et al. Gamma-lactone-Functionalized antitumoral acetogenins are the most potent inhibitors of mitochondrial complex I. 2001 Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. pmid:11266168
Takada M et al. Definition of crucial structural factors of acetogenins, potent inhibitors of mitochondrial complex I. 2000 Biochim. Biophys. Acta pmid:11106771
Avedissian H et al. Total synthesis of asimicin and bullatacin. 2000 J. Org. Chem. pmid:10987938
Carelli V et al. Biochemical features of mtDNA 14484 (ND6/M64V) point mutation associated with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. 1999 Ann. Neurol. pmid:10072046
Schuler F et al. NADH-quinone oxidoreductase: PSST subunit couples electron transfer from iron-sulfur cluster N2 to quinone. 1999 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. pmid:10097178
Tormo JR et al. Kinetic characterization of mitochondrial complex I inhibitors using annonaceous acetogenins. 1999 Arch. Biochem. Biophys. pmid:10462447
Fu LW et al. Circumvention of tumor multidrug resistance by a new annonaceous acetogenin: atemoyacin-B. 1999 Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao pmid:10678092
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Shimada H et al. Membrane conformations and their relation to cytotoxicity of asimicin and its analogues. 1998 Biochemistry pmid:9454575
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Carelli V et al. Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy: biochemical effect of 11778/ND4 and 3460/ND1 mutations and correlation with the mitochondrial genotype. 1997 Neurology pmid:9191778
Oberlies NH et al. Structure-activity relationships of diverse Annonaceous acetogenins against multidrug resistant human mammary adenocarcinoma (MCF-7/Adr) cells. 1997 J. Med. Chem. pmid:9207950
Oberlies NH et al. The Annonaceous acetogenin bullatacin is cytotoxic against multidrug-resistant human mammary adenocarcinoma cells. 1997 Cancer Lett. pmid:9097981
Darrouzet E and Dupuis A Genetic evidence for the existence of two quinone related inhibitor binding sites in NADH-CoQ reductase. 1997 Biochim. Biophys. Acta pmid:9107311
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Zhao GX et al. The absolute configuration of adjacent bis-THF acetogenins and asiminocin, a novel highly potent asimicin isomer from Asimina triloba. 1996 Bioorg. Med. Chem. pmid:8689234
Morré DJ et al. Mode of action of bullatacin, a potent antitumor acetogenin: inhibition of NADH oxidase activity of HeLa and HL-60, but not liver, plasma membranes. 1995 Life Sci. pmid:7837933
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Ahammadsahib KI et al. Mode of action of bullatacin: a potent antitumor and pesticidal annonaceous acetogenin. 1993 Life Sci. pmid:8371627