
Tacrolimus is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Tacrolimus is associated with abnormalities such as Renal glomerular disease. The involved functions are known as inhibitors, Fungicidal activity, Metabolic Inhibition, Excretory function and Dephosphorylation. Tacrolimus often locates in Hepatic, Mitochondrial matrix and Inner mitochondrial membrane. The associated genes with Tacrolimus are RHOA gene and BGN gene.

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To understand associated biological information of tacrolimus, we collected biological information of abnormalities, associated pathways, cellular/molecular locations, biological functions, related genes/proteins, lipids and common seen animal/experimental models with organized paragraphs from literatures.

What diseases are associated with tacrolimus?

tacrolimus is suspected in Renal glomerular disease, Candidiasis, Mycoses, PARKINSON DISEASE, LATE-ONSET, Morphologically altered structure, Skin Diseases, Infectious and other diseases in descending order of the highest number of associated sentences.

Related references are mostly published in these journals:

Disease Cross reference Weighted score Related literature
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Possible diseases from mapped MeSH terms on references

We collected disease MeSH terms mapped to the references associated with tacrolimus

MeSH term MeSH ID Detail
Meningitis, Cryptococcal D016919 1 associated lipids
Oculomotor Nerve Diseases D015840 1 associated lipids
Cutis Laxa D003483 1 associated lipids
Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis D055744 1 associated lipids
Intestinal Volvulus D045822 1 associated lipids
Hand Injuries D006230 1 associated lipids
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome D001506 1 associated lipids
Eye Diseases, Hereditary D015785 1 associated lipids
Feline Infectious Peritonitis D016766 1 associated lipids
End Stage Liver Disease D058625 1 associated lipids
Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 613

PubChem Associated disorders and diseases

What pathways are associated with tacrolimus

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

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What cellular locations are associated with tacrolimus?

Related references are published most in these journals:

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What functions are associated with tacrolimus?

Related references are published most in these journals:

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What lipids are associated with tacrolimus?

Related references are published most in these journals:

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What genes are associated with tacrolimus?

Related references are published most in these journals:

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What common seen animal models are associated with tacrolimus?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

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All references with tacrolimus

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Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 15051
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Ohara M et al. Myasthenia Gravis Complicated with Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma, Not Otherwise Specified (PTCL-NOS), Following Thymectomy and Longstanding Tacrolimus Therapy. 2018 Intern. Med. pmid:29269644
Hasegawa M et al. Diagnostic criteria, severity classification and guidelines of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. 2018 J. Dermatol. pmid:29265410
Gómez-Bravo MA et al. Influence of donor liver CYP3A4*20 loss-of-function genotype on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in transplanted patients. 2018 Pharmacogenet. Genomics pmid:29256966
Leiskau C et al. Side effects and efficacy of renal sparing immunosuppression in pediatric liver transplantation-A single center matched cohort study. 2018 Pediatr Transplant pmid:29729061
Sir G et al. Antagonistic Effect of Oxytocin and Tacrolimus Combination on Adipose Tissue - Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Antagonistic effect of oxytocin and tacrolimus. 2018 Biomed. Pharmacother. pmid:29136956
Liu L et al. New insights of subfertility among transplanted women: Immunosuppressive drug FK506 leads to calcium leak and oocyte activation before fertilization. 2018 J. Cell. Biochem. pmid:29131377
Pham TT et al. Tissue adhesive FK506-loaded polymeric nanoparticles for multi-layered nano-shielding of pancreatic islets to enhance xenograft survival in a diabetic mouse model. 2018 Biomaterials pmid:29128846
Kamanamool N et al. Comparison of disease activity between tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil in lupus nephritis: a randomized controlled trial. 2018 Lupus pmid:29105558
Kirchhof J et al. Learned immunosuppressive placebo responses in renal transplant patients. 2018 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. pmid:29610294
Cuñetti L et al. Chronic Pain Treatment With Cannabidiol in Kidney Transplant Patients in Uruguay. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:29579828
Kojima CA et al. Sirolimus Associated with Tacrolimus at Low Doses in Elderly Kidney Transplant Patients: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. 2018 Exp Clin Transplant pmid:28836934
Lee WS et al. Tacrolimus regulates endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated osteoclastogenesis and inflammation: In vitro and collagen-induced arthritis mouse model. 2018 Cell Biol. Int. pmid:28833755
Quintero J et al. Conversion from twice-daily to once-daily tacrolimus formulation in pediatric liver transplant recipients - a long-term prospective study. 2018 Transpl. Int. pmid:28833714
Zeng K et al. Dissolution Test of Tacrolimus Capsule: Effects of Filtration and Glass Adsorption. 2018 AAPS PharmSciTech pmid:28828626
Huang F et al. Pharmacokinetic Interaction between Faldaprevir and Cyclosporine or Tacrolimus in Healthy Volunteers: A Prospective, Open-Label, Fixed-Sequence, Crossover Study. 2018 Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. pmid:29427400
Fonseca ACRG et al. Calcineurin is an important factor involved in glucose uptake in human adipocytes. 2018 Mol. Cell. Biochem. pmid:29380240
Mithani Z et al. De Novo Donor-Specific Antibody Formation in Tacrolimus-Based, Mycophenolate Versus Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Immunosuppressive Regimens. 2018 Exp Clin Transplant pmid:28332959
Al-Lawati H et al. Nanomedicine for immunosuppressive therapy: achievements in pre-clinical and clinical research. 2018 Expert Opin Drug Deliv pmid:29261332
Gómez-Ríos GA et al. Rapid determination of immunosuppressive drug concentrations in whole blood by coated blade spray-tandem mass spectrometry (CBS-MS/MS). 2018 Anal. Chim. Acta pmid:29254576
Kimura Y et al. Profiling the immunotoxicity of chemicals based on in vitro evaluation by a combination of the Multi-ImmunoTox assay and the IL-8 Luc assay. 2018 Arch. Toxicol. pmid:29594315
Vandenbussche C et al. Tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity in mice is associated with microRNA deregulation. 2018 Arch. Toxicol. pmid:29362864
Park CS et al. Tetrahydrocurcumin Ameliorates Tacrolimus-Induced Nephrotoxicity Via Inhibiting Apoptosis. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:30401411
Hiramatsu Y et al. Changes in the blood level, efficacy, and safety of tacrolimus in pregnancy and the lactation period in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. 2018 Lupus pmid:30394835
Li P et al. Risk factors for BK virus infection in living-donor renal transplant recipients: a single-center study from China. 2018 Ren Fail pmid:30052479
Thoms S et al. Tacrolimus inhibits angiogenesis and induces disaggregation of endothelial cells in spheroids - Toxicity testing in a 3D cell culture approach. 2018 Toxicol In Vitro pmid:30048735
Kaneko T et al. Comparison of whole-blood tacrolimus concentrations measured by different immunoassay systems. 2018 J. Clin. Lab. Anal. pmid:29974517
Saengram W et al. Extended release versus immediate release tacrolimus in kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2018 Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. pmid:29961086
Chao YH et al. Tolerogenic β2-glycoprotein I DNA vaccine and FK506 as an adjuvant attenuates experimental obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome. 2018 PLoS ONE pmid:29894515
Krogstad V et al. Determination of Tacrolimus Concentration and Protein Expression of P-Glycoprotein in Single Human Renal Core Biopsies. 2018 Ther Drug Monit pmid:29578937
Marquet P et al. Pharmacokinetic Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Advagraf in More Than 500 Adult Renal Transplant Patients, Using an Expert System Online. 2018 Ther Drug Monit pmid:29505493
Chen J et al. Controlled dimerization of insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin receptors reveals shared and distinct activities of holo and hybrid receptors. 2018 J. Biol. Chem. pmid:29330302
Marquet P et al. Comparative clinical trial of the variability factors of the exposure indices used for the drug monitoring of two tacrolimus formulations in kidney transplant recipients. 2018 Pharmacol. Res. pmid:29229354
Cai W et al. Limited Sampling Strategy for Estimating Mycophenolic Acid Exposure on Day 7 Post-Transplant for Two Mycophenolate Mofetil Formulations Derived From 20 Chinese Renal Transplant Recipients. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:29735215
Chung YW et al. Tacrolimus-Induced Apoptosis is Mediated by Endoplasmic Reticulum-derived Calcium-dependent Caspases-3,-12 in Jurkat Cells. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:29731088
Lee KH et al. Distribution of Anti-ABO Immunoglobulin G Subclass and C1q Antibody in ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplantation. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:29731066
Htun YY et al. CYP3A5*3 Genetic Polymorphism and Tacrolimus Concentration in Myanmar Renal Transplant Patients. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:29731062
Scherrer M et al. Tacrolimus-induced symmetric drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema (SDRIFE). 2018 Contact Derm. pmid:29722025
Youssef A et al. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia: a case report. 2018 J Med Case Rep pmid:29606120
Hu R et al. CYP3A5*3 and ABCB1 61A>G Significantly Influence Dose-adjusted Trough Blood Tacrolimus Concentrations in the First Three Months Post-Kidney Transplantation. 2018 Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. pmid:29603629
Mücke VT et al. Low Serum Levels of (Dihydro-)Ceramides Reflect Liver Graft Dysfunction in a Real-World Cohort of Patients Post Liver Transplantation. 2018 Int J Mol Sci pmid:29587453
Cintra-Cabrera M et al. Resistant Cytomegalovirus Infection After Renal Transplantation: Literature Review. 2018 Transplant. Proc. pmid:29579856
Schuh MJ and Massoglia G Pharmacist Impact on Tacrolimus Serum Concentrations in Liver Transplant Patients. 2018 Consult Pharm pmid:29789048
Davidson HE Shifting Paradigms in Caring for Older Adults. 2018 Consult Pharm pmid:29789044
Jouve T et al. Tailoring tacrolimus therapy in kidney transplantation. 2018 Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol pmid:29779413
Woodworth MH et al. Tacrolimus concentration to dose ratio in solid organ transplant patients treated with fecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. 2018 Transpl Infect Dis pmid:29446866
Konma J et al. Efficacy and safety of combination therapy with prednisolone and oral tacrolimus for progressive interstitial pneumonia with systemic sclerosis: A retrospective study. 2018 Mod Rheumatol pmid:29442534
Pircher C et al. A rare case of Epstein-Barr virus-associated hepatosplenic smooth muscle tumors after kidney transplantation. 2018 Transpl Infect Dis pmid:29427352
Yang Y et al. Chlormethine Hydrochloride is Not Inferior to Tacrolimus in Treating Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome. 2018 Kidney Blood Press. Res. pmid:29402844
Gadby F et al. [Pulmonary granuloma in an immunodepressed patient]. 2018 Rev Mal Respir pmid:29395568
Murad A et al. Primary cutaneous post liver transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) successfully treated with radiotherapy. 2018 J Dermatolog Treat pmid:28604230