
oleandomycin is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. The involved functions are known as 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase activity, Methylation, enzyme activity, Anabolism and Biosynthetic Pathways. Oleandomycin often locates in Chromosomes and Protoplasm. The associated genes with oleandomycin are resistance genes, Open Reading Frames, CTTNBP2 gene, Gene Feature and Gene Clusters.

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To understand associated biological information of oleandomycin, we collected biological information of abnormalities, associated pathways, cellular/molecular locations, biological functions, related genes/proteins, lipids and common seen animal/experimental models with organized paragraphs from literatures.

What diseases are associated with oleandomycin?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

Possible diseases from mapped MeSH terms on references

We collected disease MeSH terms mapped to the references associated with oleandomycin

MeSH term MeSH ID Detail
Bacterial Infections D001424 21 associated lipids
Body Weight D001835 333 associated lipids
Drug Hypersensitivity D004342 20 associated lipids
Total 3

PubChem Associated disorders and diseases

What pathways are associated with oleandomycin

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

Link to PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

What cellular locations are associated with oleandomycin?

Related references are published most in these journals:

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What functions are associated with oleandomycin?

Related references are published most in these journals:

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What lipids are associated with oleandomycin?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What genes are associated with oleandomycin?

Related references are published most in these journals:

Gene Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures

What common seen animal models are associated with oleandomycin?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

NCBI Entrez Crosslinks

All references with oleandomycin

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Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 663
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Czeizel AE et al. A case-control teratological study of spiramycin, roxithromycin, oleandomycin and josamycin. 2000 Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand pmid:10716307
DE MORAES F and PATTO O [Oleandomycin and bone infections]. 1959 Sep-Oct Acta Orthop Belg pmid:13814938
Ericsson HM and Sherris JC Antibiotic sensitivity testing. Report of an international collaborative study. 1971 Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand B Microbiol Immunol pmid:4325956
Grochulski A [Colorimetric determination of prednisolone in ointment: oxytetracycline hydrochloride--oleandomycin phosphate--prednisolone]. 1969 Acta Pol Pharm pmid:5805187
Mayer R [Prevention in major maxillofacial surgery: myth or reality]. 1977 Acta Stomatol Belg pmid:96683
SULI M [SENSITIVITY TO OLEANDOMYCIN]. 1964 Alergia pmid:14277190
PRESTON FW et al. Excretion of oleandomycin in human bile. 1962 Am J Dig Dis pmid:14488664
Kayser FH and Mak TM Methicillin-resistant staphylococci. 1972 Am. J. Med. Sci. pmid:4486503
ROBINSON MM Hepatic dysfunction associated with triacetyloleandomycin demonstrated by "challenge". 1962 Am. J. Med. Sci. pmid:14492927