Erythromycin C

Erythromycin C is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class.

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Ghoreishi SM et al. Effect of orally administered cisapride, bethanechol, and erythromycin on the apparent efficiency of colostral IgG absorption in neonatal Holstein-Friesian calves. J. Vet. Intern. Med. pmid:25641234
Enyuan Q et al. Erythromycin combined with corticosteroid reduced inflammation and modified trauma-induced tracheal stenosis in a rabbit model. Ther Adv Respir Dis pmid:29781361
Cao T et al. Anti-pruritic efficacies of doxycycline and erythromycin in the treatment of acne vulgaris: A randomized single-blinded pilot study. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol pmid:29770785
Pranteda G et al. Pitted keratolysis, erythromycin, and hyperhidrosis. Dermatol Ther pmid:24703267

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