
(1s,2s,4r)-limonene-1,2-diol is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class.

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Current reference collection contains 17 references associated with (1s,2s,4r)-limonene-1,2-diol in LipidPedia. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated biomedical terms are recognized in our current text-mining method, we cannot extract any biomedical terms related to diseases, pathways, locations, functions, genes, lipids, and animal models from the associated reference collection.

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Here are additional resources we collected from PubChem and MeSH for (1s,2s,4r)-limonene-1,2-diol

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

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All references with (1s,2s,4r)-limonene-1,2-diol

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Total 4
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Hopmann KH et al. Catalytic mechanism of limonene epoxide hydrolase, a theoretical study. 2005 J. Am. Chem. Soc. pmid:16218628
Duetz WA et al. Biotransformation of limonene by bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and plants. 2003 Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. pmid:12743755
van der Werf MJ et al. Rhodococcus erythropolis DCL14 contains a novel degradation pathway for limonene. 1999 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. pmid:10224006