
Zingiberene is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class. The involved functions are known as Growth arrest.

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What diseases are associated with Zingiberene?

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What pathways are associated with Zingiberene

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PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

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What cellular locations are associated with Zingiberene?

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What functions are associated with Zingiberene?

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What lipids are associated with Zingiberene?

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What genes are associated with Zingiberene?

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What common seen animal models are associated with Zingiberene?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

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Gutensohn M et al. Cytosolic monoterpene biosynthesis is supported by plastid-generated geranyl diphosphate substrate in transgenic tomato fruits. 2013 Plant J. pmid:23607888
Bou DD et al. Chemical composition and cytotoxicity evaluation of essential oil from leaves of Casearia sylvestris, its main compound α-zingiberene and derivatives. 2013 Molecules pmid:23966073
Kiran CR et al. Influence of cultivar and maturity at harvest on the essential oil composition, oleoresin and [6]-gingerol contents in fresh ginger from northeast India. 2013 J. Agric. Food Chem. pmid:23570262
Aghaei Y et al. Chemical diversity among the essential oils of wild populations of Stachys lavandulifolia VAHL (Lamiaceae) from Iran. 2013 Chem. Biodivers. pmid:23418173
Mohammadi M et al. Chemical composition of the essential oil of aerial parts of Haussknechtia elymaitica Boiss. from Iran: a good natural source for trans-asaron. 2012 Nat. Prod. Res. pmid:22053735
Singh PK and Kaur IP Synbiotic (probiotic and ginger extract) loaded floating beads: a novel therapeutic option in an experimental paradigm of gastric ulcer. 2012 J. Pharm. Pharmacol. pmid:22221096
Williams JD et al. Composition of the essential oil of wild growing Artemisia vulgaris from Erie, Pennsylvania. 2012 Nat Prod Commun pmid:22799096
Cho IH et al. Differences in the volatile compositions of ginseng species (Panax sp.). 2012 J. Agric. Food Chem. pmid:22804575
Lin J et al. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antitumor activities of the essential oils and crude extracts of Euphorbia macrorrhiza. 2012 Molecules pmid:22555293
Tang TY A nonimmunosuppressant approach on Asia psoriasis subjects: 5-year followup and 11-year data analysis. 2012 Dermatol Res Pract pmid:22287957