Dibutyl sebacate

Dibutyl sebacate is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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Chapman J and Regan F Sebacic and succinic acid derived plasticised PVC for the inhibition of biofouling in its initial stages. 2011 Sep-Dec J Appl Biomater Biomech pmid:22139757
Kim HH et al. Health risks assessment in children for phthalate exposure associated with childcare facilities and indoor playgrounds. 2011 Environ Health Toxicol pmid:22125769
Tirpude RN and Puranik PK Rabeprazole sodium delayed-release multiparticulates: Effect of enteric coating layers on product performance. 2011 J Adv Pharm Technol Res pmid:22171316
Wilson D et al. Potentiometric electronic tongue to resolve mixtures of sulfide and perchlorate anions. 2011 Sensors (Basel) pmid:22163795
Uchimaru M et al. Antimicrobial and antifungal effects of tissue conditioners containing a photocatalyst. 2011 Dent Mater J pmid:21946490
Rao S et al. Particle size reduction to the nanometer range: a promising approach to improve buccal absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs. 2011 Int J Nanomedicine pmid:21753876
Ketjinda W et al. Development of push-pull osmotic tablets using chitosan-poly(acrylic acid) interpolymer complex as an osmopolymer. 2011 AAPS PharmSciTech pmid:21181509
Fadda HM et al. The use of dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) to evaluate plasticization of acrylic polymer films under simulated gastrointestinal conditions. 2010 Eur J Pharm Biopharm pmid:20800682
Arand K et al. pH-dependent permeation of amino acids through isolated ivy cuticles is affected by cuticular water sorption and hydration shell size of the solute. 2010 J. Exp. Bot. pmid:20631051
Kangarlou S et al. Physico-mechanical analysis of free ethyl cellulose films comprised with novel plasticizers of vitamin resources. 2008 Int J Pharm pmid:18355993