Ethyl nonanoate

Ethyl nonanoate is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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Current reference collection contains 47 references associated with Ethyl nonanoate in LipidPedia. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated biomedical terms are recognized in our current text-mining method, we cannot extract any biomedical terms related to diseases, pathways, locations, functions, genes, lipids, and animal models from the associated reference collection.

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PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Cruz AF et al. Phytochemicals to suppress Fusarium head blight in wheat-chickpea rotation. 2012 Phytochemistry pmid:22520499
Welke JE et al. Characterization of the volatile profile of Brazilian Merlot wines through comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection. 2012 J Chromatogr A pmid:22277184
Schuler D et al. First Steps Towards an Understanding of a Mode ofCarcinogenic Action for Vanadium Pentoxide. 2011 J Toxicol Pathol pmid:22272055
Mendelson JE et al. Lack of effect of sublingual salvinorin A, a naturally occurring kappa opioid, in humans: a placebo-controlled trial. 2011 Psychopharmacology (Berl.) pmid:21140258
González-Mas MC et al. Comparative analysis of the volatile fraction of fruit juice from different Citrus species. 2011 PLoS ONE pmid:21818287
Lee LV et al. Biophysical investigation of the mode of inhibition of tetramic acids, the allosteric inhibitors of undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase. 2010 Biochemistry pmid:20476728
Liu S et al. Kinetic resolution of constitutional isomers controlled by selective protection inside a supramolecular nanocapsule. 2010 Nat Chem pmid:20861900