
Ferroxamine is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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Lesuisse E and Labbe P Reductive and non-reductive mechanisms of iron assimilation by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1989 J. Gen. Microbiol. pmid:11699493
Roberts S and Bomford A Chelation of transferrin iron by desferrioxamine in K562 cells. The partition of iron between ferrioxamine and ferritin. 1988 Biochem. J. pmid:3196300
Allain P et al. Pharmacokinetics and renal elimination of desferrioxamine and ferrioxamine in healthy subjects and patients with haemochromatosis. 1987 Br J Clin Pharmacol pmid:3620295
Bomford A et al. The effect of desferrioxamine on transferrin receptors, the cell cycle and growth rates of human leukaemic cells. 1986 Biochem. J. pmid:3790074
Müller G et al. Iron transport in Streptomyces pilosus mediated by ferrichrome siderophores, rhodotorulic acid, and enantio-rhodotorulic acid. 1984 J. Bacteriol. pmid:6480558
Müller G and Raymond KN Specificity and mechanism of ferrioxamine-mediated iron transport in Streptomyces pilosus. 1984 J. Bacteriol. pmid:6480557
Arceneaux JE et al. Enhancement of copper toxicity by siderophores in Bacillus megaterium. 1984 Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. pmid:6428313
Goldman SJ et al. Siderophore-mediated iron uptake in different strains of Anabaena sp. 1983 J. Bacteriol. pmid:6227608
Finkelstein RA and Yancey RJ Effect of siderophores on virulence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 1981 Infect. Immun. pmid:6454660

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