
2,4-pentanedione is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class. The related lipids are Butyrates.

Cross Reference


To understand associated biological information of 2,4-pentanedione, we collected biological information of abnormalities, associated pathways, cellular/molecular locations, biological functions, related genes/proteins, lipids and common seen animal/experimental models with organized paragraphs from literatures.

What diseases are associated with 2,4-pentanedione?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

Possible diseases from mapped MeSH terms on references

We collected disease MeSH terms mapped to the references associated with 2,4-pentanedione

MeSH term MeSH ID Detail
Adenocarcinoma D000230 166 associated lipids
Dermatitis, Contact D003877 59 associated lipids
Body Weight D001835 333 associated lipids
Edema D004487 152 associated lipids
Purpura, Thrombocytopenic D011696 2 associated lipids
Glioma D005910 112 associated lipids
Nervous System Diseases D009422 37 associated lipids
Seizures D012640 87 associated lipids
Fetal Resorption D005327 15 associated lipids
Carcinoma, Lewis Lung D018827 22 associated lipids
Per page 10 20 | Total 11

PubChem Associated disorders and diseases

What pathways are associated with 2,4-pentanedione

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

Link to PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

What cellular locations are associated with 2,4-pentanedione?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What functions are associated with 2,4-pentanedione?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What lipids are associated with 2,4-pentanedione?

Related references are published most in these journals:

Lipid concept Cross reference Weighted score Related literatures
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What genes are associated with 2,4-pentanedione?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What common seen animal models are associated with 2,4-pentanedione?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

NCBI Entrez Crosslinks

All references with 2,4-pentanedione

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Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 1027
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Rostami-Charati F et al. A facile one-pot synthesis of functionalized 1,3-oxathiolan-2-yliden derivatives: multicomponent reaction of oxiranes in water. 2014 Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. pmid:23755720
Dai X et al. Acetylation-dependent regulation of essential iPS-inducing factors: a regulatory crossroad for pluripotency and tumorigenesis. 2014 Cancer Med pmid:25116380
Zhuang Y and Cao L Sensitive fluorescence detection of etimicin based on derivatives of formaldehyde and acetylacetone. 2013 J Fluoresc pmid:22918626
Siegel D et al. Controlling detrimental effects of metal cations in the quantification of energy metabolites via ultrahigh pressure-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry by employing acetylacetone as a volatile eluent modifier. 2013 J Chromatogr A pmid:23643099
Narayanaperumal S et al. Basic-functionalized recyclable ionic liquid catalyst: A solvent-free approach for Michael addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to nitroalkenes under ultrasound irradiation. 2013 Ultrason Sonochem pmid:23218731
Triantis C et al. Synthesis and characterization of fac-[M(CO)3(P)(OO)] and cis-trans-[M(CO)2(P)2(OO)] complexes (M = Re, (99m)Tc) with acetylacetone and curcumin as OO donor bidentate ligands. 2013 Inorg Chem pmid:24199833
Shah J et al. Validated spectrofluorimetric method for determination of sulpiride in commercial formulations using Hantzsch condensation reaction. 2013 Pak J Pharm Sci pmid:24035947
Wang M et al. Photodegradation of Acid Orange 7 in a UV/acetylacetone process. 2013 Chemosphere pmid:24079997
Korsager S et al. Direct route to 1,3-diketones by palladium-catalyzed carbonylative coupling of aryl halides with acetylacetone. 2013 Chemistry pmid:24353081
Sharpe RJ et al. Asymmetric synthesis of the aminocyclitol pactamycin, a universal translocation inhibitor. 2013 J. Am. Chem. Soc. pmid:24245656