14-METHYLHEXADECANOIC ACID is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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Current reference collection contains 130 references associated with 14-METHYLHEXADECANOIC ACID in LipidPedia. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated biomedical terms are recognized in our current text-mining method, we cannot extract any biomedical terms related to diseases, pathways, locations, functions, genes, lipids, and animal models from the associated reference collection.

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Carcinoma 256, Walker D002279 22 associated lipids
Total 1

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All references with 14-METHYLHEXADECANOIC ACID

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Hradec J et al. Decreased activity of peptide-elongation factors after treatment with cholesterol esterase. 1978 Biochem. J. pmid:247990
Hradec J The role of cholesteryl 14-methylhexadecanoate in gene expression and its significance for cancer. 1975 Prog Biochem Pharmacol pmid:1093207
Oshima M and Ariga T Omega-cyclohexyl fatty acids in acidophilic thermophilic bacteria. Studies on their presence, structure, and biosynthesis using precursors labeled with stable isotopes and radioisotopes. 1975 J. Biol. Chem. pmid:1158890
Helmich O and Hradec J Quantitative determination of cholesteryl 14-methyl-hexadecanoate by radio-gas chromatography. 1974 J. Chromatogr. pmid:4833137
Hradec J et al. Influence of cholesteryl 14-methylhexadecanoate on some ribosomal functions required for peptide elongation. 1974 Biochem. J. pmid:4595729
Hradec J Intermediate reactions in the binding of aminoacyl-transfer ribonucleic acid to rat liver ribosomes. the interaction of cholesteryl 14-methylhexadecanoate. 1972 Biochem. J. pmid:5073734
Komárková E and Hradec J Protein synthesis in the liver of rats injected with cholesteryl 14-methylhexadecanoate. 1972 Biochem. J. pmid:4643323
Hradec J et al. The role of cholesteryl 14-methylhexadecanoate in peptide elongation reactions. 1971 Biochem. J. pmid:5124397
GERSON T et al. Further studies on the metabolism of the (plus)-anteiso-acids, (plus)-12-methyltetradecanoic acid and (plus)-14-methyl-hexadecanoic acid, in the rat. 1959 Biochem. J. pmid:13827622
LIVINGSTON M et al. The metabolism in the rat of naturally occurring (+)-14-methylhexadecanoic acid. 1957 Biochem. J. pmid:13412644