
Lasalocid a is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class.

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Hanley HG et al. Effects of an inotropic agent, RO 2-2985 (X-537A), on regional blood flow and myocardial function in chronically instrumented conscious dogs and anesthetized dogs. 1975 Circ. Res. pmid:1149196
Mitrovic M and Schildknecht EG Lasalocid: resistance and cross-resistance studies in Eimeria tenella-infected chicks. 1975 Poult. Sci. pmid:1153374
Lucy JA Lipids and cell fusion. 1975 Biochem. Soc. Trans. pmid:1104385
Mürer EH et al. Proceedings: Platelet secretion induced by calcium ionophores: effect of anti-inflammatory drugs. 1975 Thromb Diath Haemorrh pmid:1105876
Wörner P and Brossmer R Selective release of serotonin from platelets by diffusion facilitated by the ionophore X-537A. 1975 Thromb. Res. pmid:1105884
Ashby JP and Speake RN Insulin and glucagon secretion from isolated islets of Langerhans. The effects of calcium ionophores. 1975 Biochem. J. pmid:1106404
Yanagimachi R Acceleration of the acrosome reaction and activation of guinea pigs spermatozoa by detergents and other reagents. 1975 Biol. Reprod. pmid:1106787
Cochrane DE et al. Calcium and stimulus-secretion coupling in the adrenal medulla: contrasting stimulating effects of the ionophores X-537A and A23187 on catecholamine output. 1975 J. Physiol. (Lond.) pmid:1107520
Statham HE and Duncan CJ The action of ionophores at the frog neuromuscular junction. 1975 Life Sci. pmid:1107739
Colburn RW et al. Influence of ionophores which bind calcium on the release of norepinephrine from synaptosomes. 1975 Life Sci. pmid:1618