
Ipsenol is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class.

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Current reference collection contains 25 references associated with Ipsenol in LipidPedia. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated biomedical terms are recognized in our current text-mining method, we cannot extract any biomedical terms related to diseases, pathways, locations, functions, genes, lipids, and animal models from the associated reference collection.

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Total 6
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
List B et al. Proline-catalyzed asymmetric aldol reactions between ketones and alpha-unsubstituted aldehydes. 2001 Org. Lett. pmid:11178828
Zhang QH et al. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of Ips subelongatus to semiochemicals from its hosts, non-hosts, and conspecifics in China. 2007 J. Chem. Ecol. pmid:17216361
Figueroa-Teran R et al. Ipsdienol dehydrogenase (IDOLDH): a novel oxidoreductase important for Ips pini pheromone production. 2012 Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. pmid:22101251