
Alpha-santonin is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class.

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Sakipova Z et al. Quantification of santonin in eight species of Artemisia from Kazakhstan by means of HPLC-UV: Method development and validation. 2017 PLoS ONE pmid:28301522
Ratajewski M et al. Screening of a chemical library reveals novel PXR-activating pharmacologic compounds. 2015 Toxicol. Lett. pmid:25455453
Khazir J et al. Synthesis and anticancer activity of novel spiro-isoxazoline and spiro-isoxazolidine derivatives of α-santonin. 2013 Eur J Med Chem pmid:23501113
Born S et al. The human bitter taste receptor TAS2R10 is tailored to accommodate numerous diverse ligands. 2013 J. Neurosci. pmid:23283334
Ferreira JR et al. Induction of G₂/M arrest, caspase activation and apoptosis by α-santonin derivatives in HL-60 cells. 2013 Toxicol In Vitro pmid:23542210
Kittayaruksakul S et al. Identification of three novel natural product compounds that activate PXR and CAR and inhibit inflammation. 2013 Pharm. Res. pmid:23896737
Chinthakindi PK et al. Diminutive effect on T and B-cell proliferation of non-cytotoxic α-santonin derived 1,2,3-triazoles: a report. 2013 Eur J Med Chem pmid:23314050
Dutto M et al. [Enterobiasis in pediatric subjects in north-western Italy: a study of home remedies]. 2012 Jan-Feb Ann Ig pmid:22670340
Yousuf S et al. 8-[(2-Hy-droxy-phen-yl)imino]-3,5a,9-trimethyl-3a,4,5,5a,8,9b-hexa-hydro-naphtho-[1,2-b]furan-2(3H)-one. 2012 Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online pmid:22798830
Tamura R et al. Santonin-related compound 2 inhibits the nuclear translocation of NF-κB subunit p65 by targeting cysteine 38 in TNF-α-induced NF-κB signaling pathway. 2012 Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. pmid:23221713