
1-dodecanol is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

Current reference collection contains 1861 references associated with 1-dodecanol in LipidPedia. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated biomedical terms are recognized in our current text-mining method, we cannot extract any biomedical terms related to diseases, pathways, locations, functions, genes, lipids, and animal models from the associated reference collection.

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Here are additional resources we collected from PubChem and MeSH for 1-dodecanol

Possible diseases from mapped MeSH terms on references

We collected disease MeSH terms mapped to the references associated with 1-dodecanol

MeSH term MeSH ID Detail
Hemolysis D006461 131 associated lipids
Scalp Dermatoses D012536 11 associated lipids
Lice Infestations D010373 9 associated lipids
Total 3

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

NCBI Entrez Crosslinks

All references with 1-dodecanol

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Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 469
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Saito K et al. An in vitro skin sensitization assay termed EpiSensA for broad sets of chemicals including lipophilic chemicals and pre/pro-haptens. 2017 Toxicol In Vitro pmid:27965148
Karaca M et al. Micelle Mixtures for Coadministration of Gemcitabine and GDC-0449 To Treat Pancreatic Cancer. 2016 Mol. Pharm. pmid:26981724
Kumar V et al. Codelivery of small molecule hedgehog inhibitor and miRNA for treating pancreatic cancer. 2015 Mol. Pharm. pmid:25679326
Knight AL et al. A Binary Host Plant Volatile Lure Combined With Acetic Acid to Monitor Codling Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 2015 Environ. Entomol. pmid:26314018
Landolt PJ et al. N-Butyl sulfide as an attractant and coattractant for male and female codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 2014 Environ. Entomol. pmid:24534117
Navais R et al. The heat sensitive factor (HSF) of Yersinia ruckeri is produced by an alkyl sulphatase involved in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) degradation but not in virulence. 2014 BMC Microbiol. pmid:25266819
Seebunrueng K et al. Vortex-assisted low density solvent based demulsified dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in water samples. 2014 Chemosphere pmid:24332733
Kharaziha M et al. Effects of surface modification on the mechanical and structural properties of nanofibrous poly(ε-caprolactone)/forsterite scaffold for tissue engineering applications. 2013 Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl pmid:24094153
Hummel HE and Langner SS Lobesia botrana IPM: electrospun polyester microfibers serve as biodegradable sex pheromone dispensers. 2013 Commun. Agric. Appl. Biol. Sci. pmid:25145245
Huang J et al. Separating the attractant from the toxicant improves attract-and-kill of codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 2013 J. Econ. Entomol. pmid:24224258