
1-propanol is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

Current reference collection contains 15712 references associated with 1-propanol in LipidPedia. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated biomedical terms are recognized in our current text-mining method, we cannot extract any biomedical terms related to diseases, pathways, locations, functions, genes, lipids, and animal models from the associated reference collection.

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Here are additional resources we collected from PubChem and MeSH for 1-propanol

Possible diseases from mapped MeSH terms on references

We collected disease MeSH terms mapped to the references associated with 1-propanol

MeSH term MeSH ID Detail
Hemolysis D006461 131 associated lipids
Kidney Failure, Chronic D007676 51 associated lipids
Diabetes Mellitus D003920 90 associated lipids
Dermatitis, Contact D003877 59 associated lipids
Dermatitis, Occupational D009783 12 associated lipids
Diabetic Ketoacidosis D016883 16 associated lipids
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic D008180 43 associated lipids
Pleurisy D010998 20 associated lipids
Kidney Neoplasms D007680 29 associated lipids
Body Weight D001835 333 associated lipids
Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 72

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

NCBI Entrez Crosslinks

All references with 1-propanol

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Per page 10 20 50 100 | Total 4572
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Jeng MJ et al. The efficacy of different umbilical cord care regimens: an in vitro study on their drying and antimicrobial effect. 1994 Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) pmid:8039043
Kuznetsov EV and Goncharov AN [An endogenous component in the daily mitotic rhythm of the lenticular epithelium of Rana temporaria L]. 1975 Jul-Aug Zh. Obshch. Biol. pmid:1217172
Bursian AV et al. [Autogenic somatomotor activation of the heart in growing rats]. 2004 Mar-Apr Zh. Evol. Biokhim. Fiziol. pmid:15279164
Bahnemann HG The inactivation of foot-and-mouth disease virus by ethylenimine and propylenimine. 1972 Zentralblatt Veterinarmedizin Reihe B pmid:4356372
Andersson L and Lundström K Milk and blood ketone bodies, blood isopropanol and plasma glucose in dairy cows; methodological studies and diurnal variations. 1984 Zentralbl Veterinarmed A pmid:6433601
Andersson L Concentrations of blood and milk ketone bodies, blood isopropanol and plasma glucose in dairy cows in relation to the degree of hyperketonaemia and clinical signs. 1984 Zentralbl Veterinarmed A pmid:6438960
Vollbrecht D and Radler F [The formation of higher alcohols by amino acid auxotrophic mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. III. Higher alcohols as byproducts of the biosynthesis of amino acids tauthor's transl)]. 1975 Zentralbl Bakteriol Parasitenkd Infektionskr Hyg pmid:1103521
Rotter M et al. [Usability of three alcohols for a standard disinfection method to be employed for the evaluation of procedures for the hygienic disinfection of hands (author's transl)]. 1977 Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig B pmid:333830
Rotter M et al. [Testmethod for the evaluation of procedures for the hygienic disinfection of hands. Part 1: Discription of testmethod (author's transl)]. 1977 Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig B pmid:333832
Werner HP and Wewalka G [Destruction of spores in alcohol by peracetic acid (author's transl)]. 1973 Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig B pmid:4756082