
20-hydroxycholesterol is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. The related lipids are 20-hydroxycholesterol, Steroids and Pregnenes.

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To understand associated biological information of 20-hydroxycholesterol, we collected biological information of abnormalities, associated pathways, cellular/molecular locations, biological functions, related genes/proteins, lipids and common seen animal/experimental models with organized paragraphs from literatures.

What diseases are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

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What pathways are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

PubChem Biomolecular Interactions and Pathways

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What cellular locations are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What functions are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What lipids are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol?

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What genes are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What common seen animal models are associated with 20-hydroxycholesterol?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

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All references with 20-hydroxycholesterol

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
SHIMIZU K et al. Isocaproic acid, a metabolite of 20 alpha-hydroxycholesterol. 1960 J. Biol. Chem. pmid:14446007
Duncan JL and Buckingham L Resistance to streptolysin O in mammalian cells treated with oxygenated derivatives of cholesterol. Cholesterol content of resistant cells and recovery of streptolysin O sensitivity. 1980 Biochim. Biophys. Acta pmid:7459354
Shimizu T et al. Resonance Raman spectra of bovine adrenal cytochrome P-450SCC. 1981 Biochim. Biophys. Acta pmid:7295776
Spangrude GJ et al. Inhibitory effects of various oxygenated sterols on the differentiation and function of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. 1982 Transplantation pmid:6979815
Klimek J et al. The relationship between NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation and degradation of cytochrome P-450 in adrenal cortex mitochondria. 1983 Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. pmid:6838538
Wing TY et al. Restoration effects of exogenous luteinizing hormone on the testicular steroidogenesis and Leydig cell ultrastructure. 1985 Endocrinology pmid:4042963
Rooney MW et al. Oxygenated cholesterols synergistically immobilize acyl chains and enhance protein helical structure in human erythrocyte membranes. 1985 Biochim. Biophys. Acta pmid:4052416
Guo H et al. Interleukin-2 is a potent inhibitor of Leydig cell steroidogenesis. 1990 Endocrinology pmid:2167211