
Decane is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Zubaidy AJ Caprine neoplasms in Iraq: case reports and review of the literature. 1976 Vet. Pathol. pmid:1006959
Mercier JC et al. [Primary structure of the casein macropeptide of caprine kappa casein]. 1976 Biochimie pmid:1016651
Saitta AM et al. Influence of a knot on the strength of a polymer strand. 1999 Nature pmid:10331387
Risoul V et al. Thermogravimetric study of thermal decontamination of soils polluted by hexachlorobenzene, 4-chlorobiphenyl, naphthalene, or n-decane. 1999 J. Hazard. Mater. pmid:10337399
Rocca S et al. Release of a model molecule from highly concentrated fluorinated reverse emulsions. Influence of composition variables and temperature. 1999 J Control Release pmid:10477799
Saadoun I et al. Bacterial degradation of hydrocarbons as evidenced by respirometric analysis. 1999 Microbios pmid:10582377
McNeilly AS and Friesen HG Heterologous radioimmunoassay for rabbit prolactin. 1978 Endocrinology pmid:105878
Tabet-Aoul K et al. Regional characterization of a hamster-sheep somatic cell hybrid panel. 2000 Mamm. Genome pmid:10602990
Powell JK et al. Expression of carbohydrate antigens in the goat uterus during early pregnancy and on steroid-treated polarized uterine epithelial cells in vitro. 2000 Biol. Reprod. pmid:10642563