Disease MeSH term: Spermatocele

Possible associated with:

Structure name description Reference count
oxytetracycline oxytetracycline is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Oxytetracycline is associated with abnormalities such as Infection, X-linked centronuclear myopathy, Bacterial Infections, Heart failure and Onchocerciasis. The involved functions are known as Anabolism, physiological aspects, Transcription, Genetic, Fermentation and Transcriptional Activation. Oxytetracycline often locates in Chromosomes, Flank (surface region), Entire bony skeleton, Bone Marrow and Body tissue. The associated genes with oxytetracycline are Polypeptides, Homologous Gene, Gene Clusters, Locus and CYCS gene. The related lipids are LH 1 and Lipid Peroxides. The related experimental models are Disease model. 6787
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