Disease MeSH term: Vascular Neoplasms

Possible associated with:

Structure name description Reference count
(-)-Epigallocatechin gallate (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. (-)-epigallocatechin gallate is associated with abnormalities such as IMMUNE SUPPRESSION, Infection, Nodule, Lymphopenia and Tumor Immunity. The involved functions are known as Apoptosis, Cellular Immune Response, Specific immune response, Signal and Infiltration. (-)-epigallocatechin gallate often locates in Immune system, Cytoplasmic Granules, Skin, Protoplasm and Body tissue. The associated genes with (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate are C8orf4 gene, Genes, vpr, MAPK8 gene, P4HTM gene and GAG Gene. The related lipids are Promega, Lipopolysaccharides, Palmitates, Fatty Acids and Sphingolipids. The related experimental models are Mouse Model, Xenograft Model, Transgenic Model, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis and Arthritis, Collagen-Induced. 6551
HEMATOXYLIN HEMATOXYLIN is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Hematoxylin is associated with abnormalities such as Eosinophilia, Duodenal Adenoma, Senile Plaques, Morphologically altered structure and Cervical abscess. The involved functions are known as Uptake, Apoptosis, Amplification, Necrosis and Karyopyknosis. Hematoxylin often locates in Body tissue, Extracellular, Compact bone, Skin and Basement membrane. The associated genes with HEMATOXYLIN are GAPDH gene, Genome, Elastin, MERTK wt Allele and P4HTM gene. 6127
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