Disease MeSH term: Colorectal Neoplasms, Hereditary Nonpolyposis

Possible associated with:

Structure name description Reference count
butyric acid butyric acid is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class. Butyric acid is associated with abnormalities such as PARKINSON DISEASE, LATE-ONSET, Colitis, Autoimmune Diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and PARAGANGLIOMAS 2. The involved functions are known as DNA Methylation, Transcription, Genetic, chromatin modification, Gene Expression and Gene Silencing. Butyric acid often locates in Membrane, Chromatin Structure, Chromosomes, viral nucleocapsid location and Ribosomes. The associated genes with butyric acid are Locus, Genes, Dominant, Genes, rRNA, Genome and Chromatin. The related lipids are Butyrates, butyrate, Promega, Butyric Acids and Butyric Acid. 9358
HEMATOXYLIN HEMATOXYLIN is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Hematoxylin is associated with abnormalities such as Eosinophilia, Duodenal Adenoma, Senile Plaques, Morphologically altered structure and Cervical abscess. The involved functions are known as Uptake, Apoptosis, Amplification, Necrosis and Karyopyknosis. Hematoxylin often locates in Body tissue, Extracellular, Compact bone, Skin and Basement membrane. The associated genes with HEMATOXYLIN are GAPDH gene, Genome, Elastin, MERTK wt Allele and P4HTM gene. 6127
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