
Perillaldehyde is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class.

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Duelund L et al. Influence of the active compounds of Perilla frutescens leaves on lipid membranes. 2012 J. Nat. Prod. pmid:22272932
Goretti M et al. Bioreduction of α,β-unsaturated ketones and aldehydes by non-conventional yeast (NCY) whole-cells. 2011 Bioresour. Technol. pmid:21232941
Brennan DJ et al. Tumour-specific HMG-CoAR is an independent predictor of recurrence free survival in epithelial ovarian cancer. 2010 BMC Cancer pmid:20359358
Han LL et al. (S)-Perillaldehyde azine. 2010 Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online pmid:21580329
McKim JM et al. A new in vitro method for identifying chemical sensitizers combining peptide binding with ARE/EpRE-mediated gene expression in human skin cells. 2010 Cutan Ocul Toxicol pmid:20491607
Bumblauskiené L et al. Preliminary analysis on essential oil composition of Perilla L. cultivated in Lithuania. 2009 Jul-Aug Acta Pol Pharm pmid:19702173
Inouye S et al. Inhibitory activity of hydrosols, herbal teas and related essential oils against filament formation and the growth of Candida albicans. 2009 Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi pmid:19942796
Bassoli A et al. Taste-guided identification of high potency TRPA1 agonists from Perilla frutescens. 2009 Bioorg. Med. Chem. pmid:19162486
Masutani H et al. Fragrant unsaturated aldehydes elicit activation of the Keap1/Nrf2 system leading to the upregulation of thioredoxin expression and protection against oxidative stress. 2009 Antioxid. Redox Signal. pmid:19123792
Yuan XY et al. Perillartine. 2009 Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online pmid:21577558