
Myrtenal is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class. The related lipids are Pinene.

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What diseases are associated with Myrtenal?

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What pathways are associated with Myrtenal

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What cellular locations are associated with Myrtenal?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What functions are associated with Myrtenal?

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What lipids are associated with Myrtenal?

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What genes are associated with Myrtenal?

There are no associated biomedical information in the current reference collection.

What common seen animal models are associated with Myrtenal?

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All references with Myrtenal

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Per page 10 20 50 | Total 42
Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Lin GS et al. Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of Novel Myrtenal-Based 4-Methyl-1,2,4-triazole-thioethers. 2017 Molecules pmid:28125042
Cho S et al. Aroma chemistry of African Oryza glaberrima and Oryza sativa rice and their interspecific hybrids. 2014 J. Sci. Food Agric. pmid:23907855
Rufino AT et al. Anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective activity of (+)-α-pinene: structural and enantiomeric selectivity. 2014 J. Nat. Prod. pmid:24455984
Goretti M et al. Production of flavours and fragrances via bioreduction of (4R)-(-)-carvone and (1R)-(-)-myrtenal by non-conventional yeast whole-cells. 2013 Molecules pmid:23681058
Lingaiah HB et al. Myrtenal ameliorates diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis through the activation of tumor suppressor protein p53 and regulation of lysosomal and mitochondrial enzymes. 2013 Fundam Clin Pharmacol pmid:22436021
Cano-Ramírez C et al. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of the bark beetle Dendroctonus rhizophagus to volatiles from host pines and conspecifics. 2012 J. Chem. Ecol. pmid:22544334
Hari Babu L et al. Myrtenal attenuates diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats by stabilizing intrinsic antioxidants and modulating apoptotic and anti-apoptotic cascades. 2012 Cell Oncol (Dordr) pmid:22722977
Babu LH et al. Myrtenal, a natural monoterpene, down-regulates TNF-α expression and suppresses carcinogen-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats. 2012 Mol. Cell. Biochem. pmid:22763672
Corin K et al. Insertion of T4-lysozyme (T4L) can be a useful tool for studying olfactory-related GPCRs. 2012 Mol Biosyst pmid:22491779
Lima DK et al. Evaluation of the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and gastric antiulcer activities of the essential oil from Piper aleyreanum C.DC in rodents. 2012 J Ethnopharmacol pmid:22588049