ANACARDIC ACID is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class.

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Yao K et al. Anacardic acid sensitizes prostate cancer cells to radiation therapy by regulating H2AX expression. 2015 Int J Clin Exp Pathol pmid:26884865
Gnanaprakasam JNR et al. The anacardic 6-pentadecyl salicylic acid induces macrophage activation via the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, JNK, P38 kinases and NF-κB. 2015 Int. Immunopharmacol. pmid:26371858
Meraviglia V et al. Acetylation mediates Cx43 reduction caused by electrical stimulation. 2015 J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. pmid:26264759
Wapenaar H et al. Enzyme kinetics and inhibition of histone acetyltransferase KAT8. 2015 Eur J Med Chem pmid:26505788
Hoellein A et al. Myc-induced SUMOylation is a therapeutic vulnerability for B-cell lymphoma. 2014 Blood pmid:25143484
Peng C et al. Inhibition of histone H3K9 acetylation by anacardic acid can correct the over-expression of Gata4 in the hearts of fetal mice exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. 2014 PLoS ONE pmid:25101666
Xiu YL et al. Anacardic acid enhances the proliferation of human ovarian cancer cells. 2014 PLoS ONE pmid:24921663
Mariño G et al. Caloric restriction mimetics: natural/physiological pharmacological autophagy inducers. 2014 Autophagy pmid:25484097
Horibe T et al. Discovery of protein disulfide isomerase P5 inhibitors that reduce the secretion of MICA from cancer cells. 2014 Chembiochem pmid:24920482
Silveira C et al. Anacardic acid from brazilian cashew nut trees reduces dentine erosion. 2014 Caries Res. pmid:24993776

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