
Decane is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class.

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Authors Title Published Journal PubMed Link
Dias D et al. Particulate matter and health risk under a changing climate: assessment for Portugal. 2012 ScientificWorldJournal pmid:22666118
Zhang BB et al. Efficient asymmetric reduction of 4-(trimethylsilyl)-3-butyn-2-one by Candida parapsilosis cells in an ionic liquid-containing system. 2012 PLoS ONE pmid:22662183
Tansley G et al. Sterol lipid metabolism in down syndrome revisited: down syndrome is associated with a selective reduction in serum brassicasterol levels. 2012 Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res pmid:22649448
King PH et al. Towards molecular computing: co-development of microfluidic devices and chemical reaction media. 2012 BioSystems pmid:22306034
Aoki S et al. Molecular recognition of hydrocarbon guests by a supramolecular capsule formed by the 4:4 self-assembly of tris(Zn(2+)-cyclen) and trithiocyanurate in aqueous solution. 2012 Chem Asian J pmid:22311622
Darriet F et al. Bicyclo[4.4.0]decane oxygenated sesquiterpenes from Eryngium maritimum essential oil. 2012 Planta Med. pmid:22258696
Nayar D et al. Relating structure, entropy, and energy of solvation of nanoscale solutes: application to gold nanoparticle dispersions. 2012 J Phys Chem B pmid:22998098
Okada Y et al. Environmental risk assessment and concentration trend of atmospheric volatile organic compounds in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. 2012 Environ Sci Pollut Res Int pmid:21717170
Zheng Y et al. Exploitation of unique properties of zeolites in the development of gas sensors. 2012 Sensors (Basel) pmid:22666081
Gómez-Cortés P et al. Production of isotopically labeled standards from a uniformly labeled precursor for quantitative volatile metabolomic studies. 2012 Anal. Chem. pmid:22662968